The tropics of South East Asia are amongst the most biodiverse regions worldwide. The area also hosts a wide diversity of songbirds! Unfortunately, this taxon, like most in the region, is heavily threatened by habitat loss, particularly driven by the expansion of palm oil. Additionally, the taxa are facing the brunt of the illegal wildlife trade! Songbirds are popular pets in the region. It is estimated that up to 80 million birds have been captured and kept in captivity in the area of Java itself. Various species, such as the Critically Endangered Bali Mynah, are being threatened by this unreasonable demand for songbirds as pets!
In this interview, I dissect the Asian Songbird Crisis with David Jeggo, chair of the IUCN SSC Asian Songbird Trade Specialist Group (ATSG). David has had an illustrious conservation career, having working with Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust (DWCT) for nearly 46 years! David has been the chair of the ASTSG since 2017!
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