Our Story

TWF was established in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 by university students to support the rehabilitation of a rescued captive elephant through our “Caring for Pari Campaign”. In January 2023, we launched the Think Wildlife Podcast, hosted by our Managing Director, Anish Banerjee! We are soon launching our “Livelihood for Conservation Initiative” and “AI for Conservation Project”!

Protected Areas

Livelihoods for Conservation

300 million around India’s forests, relying on these fragile natural ecosystems for sustenance in the form of firewood, cattle grazing, bushmeat, the wildlife trade, agriculture, and non-timber forest produce. We at Think Wildlife Foundation have partnered with various NGOs to help provide these communities with alternative, more sustainable livelihoods (learn more here). You can support these initiatives by buying merchandise made from these communities. 90% of the revenue generated through our sales is returned to the respective communities.

Latest from The Think Wildlife Blog

Listen to The Think Wildlife Podcast!

Episode 35: Conserving India’s Tropical Forests with Dr. Kamaljit Bawa, Founder of ATREE

India is amongst the most biodiverse countries in the world, with a plethora of habitats, including tropical forests, grasslands, arid deserts, mangroves, and deciduous mountain forests. However, while much of India’s megafauna species have recovered miraculously from the brink of extinction, a major issue looms large. That is the sustainable use of the country’s tropical […]

Episode 34: Protecting the India’s Elephant Corridors with Upasana Ganguly from the Wildlife Trust of India

Ecosystems around India are becoming increasingly fragmented. This is particularly concerning for megafauna species, such as tigers and elephants. Landscape connectivity is a vital component of megafauna conservation in India. This is because the dispersal of megafauna outside of existing reserves is critical to maintaining the genetic diversity of the larger population. The immense fragmentation […]

Episode 33: Creating a Nature Positive Future with Marco Lambertini

Over the last decade, carbon neutrality and net zero have become the focus across governments, industries, corporations, scientists, and environmentalists. However, over the last few years, the linkage between the carbon and biodiversity crisis has come into the limelight. Restoring biodiversity and ecosystems around the world has become a crucial part in tackling, not only […]

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