Our Story
TWF was established in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 by university students to support the rehabilitation of a rescued captive elephant through our “Caring for Pari Campaign”. In January 2023, we launched the Think Wildlife Podcast, hosted by our Managing Director, Anish Banerjee! We are soon launching our “Livelihood for Conservation Initiative” and “AI for Conservation Project”!
Livelihoods for Conservation
300 million around India’s forests, relying on these fragile natural ecosystems for sustenance in the form of firewood, cattle grazing, bushmeat, the wildlife trade, agriculture, and non-timber forest produce. We at Think Wildlife Foundation have partnered with various NGOs to help provide these communities with alternative, more sustainable livelihoods (learn more here). You can support these initiatives by buying merchandise made from these communities. 90% of the revenue generated through our sales is returned to the respective communities.
“Bhava” Hoodie₹1,499.00
“A Party for No One” Unisex Sweatshirt₹1,399.00
Classic TWF T-Shirt₹599.00
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Listen to The Think Wildlife Podcast!
Episode 65: Safeguarding Central Africa’s Crocodiles and Pangolins with Matthew Shirley
Meet the Pangolin. The world’s most trafficked mammal. Pangolins are also known as scaly anteaters due to the protective keratin scales covering their skins. Unfortunately, these protective keratin scales are leading to the pangolin’s downfall. Keratin is in high demand in China and Vietnam (the usual suspects) for traditional Chinese Medicine and as a luxury […]
Episode 64: Conserving Amazon’s River Dolphins with Suzanne Smith
The Amazon River Dolphin, known locally as the “Boto”, is the largest species of river dolphin in the world. The species is also the most widespread river dolphin, covering six different countries in South America. Unfortunately, the Amazon River Dolphin is classified as “Endangered” by the IUCN Red List. Commercial fishing remains the primary threat […]
Episode 63: Protecting the World’s Cranes with Dr. Rich Beilfuss, President, International Crane Foundation
Globally, there are 15 species of cranes spread across all continents baring South America and Antarctica. With eight species, East Asia has the highest crane diversity. A few species of crane, such as the Siberian and Demosille crane, are known to migrate thousands of kilometers to avoid the harsh winter months of Siberia. Across their […]
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