Anish Banerjee

Did Climate Change cause the Evolution of giant whales?

The Underwhelming Fossil Record of Baleen Whales Gigantism is a ubiquitous feature across all lineages of extant Baleen Whales (Mysticeti). However, despite the exhaustive fossil record and comprehensive phylogenetic framework, the evolution of such extreme body sizes remain poorly understood (Vermeij, 2016). Slater et al.  (2017) conducts the first proper quantitative test focused to understand […]

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Why are Circadian Rhythms important?

Circadian Rhythms are amongst the most critical of physiological processes to occur in mammals. This process refers to endogenous phenomena that modulates the sleep–wake cycle. Circadian Rhythms generally have periods of approximately 24 hours. The circadian cycle is effectuated by a molecular circadian clock, which synchronizes the internal biological time relative to the extrinsic environment.

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How does birdsong change with altitude?

Abstract The impact of environmental conditions on the birdsong has been long established.  According to the acoustic adaptation hypothesis, birds configure their song’s structure for its  optimal transmission in the local environment. The impact of vegetation cover, temperature and  human disturbance on bird vocalization has been well established. However, the impact of  elevation has not

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How has reciprocal altruism evolved in the Animal Kingdom?

            Charles Darwin’ “Theory of Evolution”, explains that the traits which aids the survival and reproductive success of an individual will be selected and passed down to the offspring.[1]  According to this definition, the evolution of altruistic behaviour seems highly impractical. This is because altruism is defined as the behaviour of an organism which, at

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Forest Trespassing- “Exploring the Prohibited Zones’’

Trespassers is knowingly enter private property, either for recreation or for criminal purposes. Forest trespass includes the entrance into any reserves without the permission of the specified authorities. Trespassing into protected areas is a major concern. Although this may seem a small issue at a first glance but this gives rise to major issues. This includes

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Why are pollinators so important?

Pollinators provide a wide range of benefits to society in terms of contributions to food security, farmer livelihoods, social and cultural values. They also play a role in the maintenance of wider biodiversity and ecosystems (Potts et al., 2016). In the tropics, plant animal mutualisms are vital for ecosystem function (Wright, 2002). Pollinators increase Plant

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What is the role of chemical comunication in the co-evolution of species?

Interactions between flora and fauna occurs in three primary forms, namely pollination, herbivory and parasitism. Extensive chemical communication facilitated these interactions. Plants produce volatile organic compounds. These primarily function to either attract pollinators or provide protection against to herbivores. In response, numerous modes of chemical communication have evolved in fauna species. This is in effort

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How has the coevolution of flora and fauna species contributed to biodiversity?

Coevolution is the phenomena where interactions between two species fosters reciprocal evolutionary adaptations. The evolution of these adaptations must display specificity and reciprocity. This means both traits should evolve simultaneously as a product of each other. As such, coevolution can be induced both by agonistic interactions, such as those between predator-prey, or through mutualism, particularly

How has the coevolution of flora and fauna species contributed to biodiversity? Read More »

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