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How devastating were the Austrlian Bushfires of 2020?

In terms of size and intensity, the devastating bushfires that torched eucalyptus forests in southern and eastern Australia in the summer of 2019–2020 were unparalleled. They began in October 2019 and continued to burn until January 2020, scorching millions of hectares while displacing or killing an estimated 3 billion animals. The fires produced record-breaking levels […]

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The Illegal Wildlife Trade is destroying India’s Macaques

Macaques, the old robust primate are the most geographically distributed non-human primate, with about 22 species throughout the world and 12 species throughout Asia mainland. Out of 10 macaque species found in India, the rhesus macaques (Macaca Malatta) were commonly exported for the research and testing because of their anatomical and physiological closeness to human.

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Why is biopiracy a threat to green soveignerity?

Looking to nature for drug research, genetically modified crops or other products, is nothing new — research groups and major corporations are major explorers in this field. But discoveries based on traditional Indigenous knowledge or the wealth of biodiversity in developing countries can end up being exported and patented without permits, credits or compensation known as biopiracy.

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What are the threats faced by Striped Hyenas in India?

Abstract The striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena Linnaeus, 1758) is one of the large carnivores of forest and grassland ecosystems across Africa and Asia and is currently threatened throughout its range. Hyena habitats are shrinking, due to the increase of human-dominated landscapes. Increasing human-wildlife conflict, tourism, and human population growth near interface zones across the revenue lands have negative

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Think Wildlife Foundation