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What are the threats faced by lions?

Lions are one of the most charismatic species on the earth. At the present moment, the formerly continuously distributed lion species has already been eradicated from major Middle Eastern countries as well as from the Americas and Europe. Only 20, 000 wild lions remain in Africa. In fact, lions have already become a threatened species.

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What is the impact of forest fragmentation on wildlife?

The breaking of large, contiguous, forested areas into smaller pieces of the forest is forest fragmentation. These pieces are usually separated by roads, agriculture, utility corridors, subdivisions, or other human development. Fragmentation is a matter of concern primarily because of its impact on the conservation of biological diversity. It affects the size and quality of

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How are the ecological impacts of mining evaluated?

Biodiversity is recognized to be of global importance, yet species and habitats continue to beunder increasing pressure from human-induced influences. Mineral resources exist in significant biodiversity areas, and conservation priorities (Butt et al. 2013). Therefore, biodiversity is under constant threat from mining. Future changes in mineral supply and demand will probably shift threats towards biodiverse regions

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