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Why is science communication so important for wildlife conservation?

The information/data conservationists and wildlife scientists produce does have the potential to change the face of conservation and so does effective communication. Having incredible data but no proper way of communication could damage the conservation action plans and indeed perishing wildlife and natural habitats. Communicating conservation research followed by action plans is important to achieve

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India’s Big Five

It is impossible to complete a world tour checklist without visiting two places. The first is the world’s largest democracy, India, and the second is the African Bush. Surprisingly, both places share a common attraction: The Big Five. The term was first coined in the recreational hunting grounds of Africa. It refers to the five

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A poem by Charu Sharma The author Anthony Williams has rightly quoted, “some of the greatest minds on earth live in seas”. And we all are well aware of the cute and cuddly, genius creatures on this planet, the Dolphins!! And when it comes to our national aquatic animal, it is indeed the Gangetic River

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Indra Gandhi – The Forgotten Wildlife Conservationist

Indra Priyadarshini Gandhi, the second Prime Minister of India, is associated with some of nation’s most turbulent phases. From declaring the 1975 Emergency to conducting Operation Blue Star in 1983, Indira Gandhi was at the forefront of several controversies. However, she also has been accredited with some of India’s finest achievements. This includes the liberation

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Think Wildlife Foundation