Episode 61: Creating Landscapes of Lions with Alayne Oriol Cotterill, CEO at Lion Landscapes

Listed as “Vulnerable” by the IUCN Red List, The African Lion is one of the most threatened species in the world. The population of this regal carnivore has dropped drastically from over 200,000 individuals a century ago to approximately 24,000 today. Almost half of this population is found outside protected areas, often in human-dominated landscapes. […]

Episode 61: Creating Landscapes of Lions with Alayne Oriol Cotterill, CEO at Lion Landscapes Read More »

Episode 60: Conserving the Lesser Florican and Great Indian Bustard with Sujit Narwade, Assistant Director, Bombay Natural History Society

Once upon a time, the Great Indian Bustard was close to becoming India’s National Bird. However, the species is now considered Critically Endangered by the IUCN Red List, with less than 100 individuals remaining in the wild. The species is predominantly found in Rajasthan, though sightings do occur across the Deccan Plateau. Collisions with windmills,

Episode 60: Conserving the Lesser Florican and Great Indian Bustard with Sujit Narwade, Assistant Director, Bombay Natural History Society Read More »

Episode 59: The Future of Orangutan Conservation, Michelle Desilets, Executive Director, Orangutan Land Trust

One of the most charismatic species of the rainforests of south-east Asia is the orangutan. The orangutan is the only wild species of Great Ape found in Asia, with the remaining three,  gorillas, chimpanzees, and bonobos, found in Africa.  Until 1996, the orangutan was considered one individual species. However, since then the species has been

Episode 59: The Future of Orangutan Conservation, Michelle Desilets, Executive Director, Orangutan Land Trust Read More »

Episode 59: The Future of Orangutan Conservation, Michelle Desilets, Executive Director, Orangutan Land Trust

One of the most charismatic species of the rainforests of south-east Asia is the orangutan. The orangutan is the only wild species of Great Ape found in Asia, with the remaining three,  gorillas, chimpanzees, and bonobos, found in Africa.  Until 1996, the orangutan was considered one individual species. However, since then the species has been

Episode 59: The Future of Orangutan Conservation, Michelle Desilets, Executive Director, Orangutan Land Trust Read More »

Episode 58: Creating a Future for Clouded Leopards with Chrishen Gomez, DPhil Student, WildCRU, University of Oxford

One of Asia’s most elusive predators is the Clouded Leopard. Until 2006, the term clouded leopard referred to one ubiquitous species found across the Eastern Himalayas, mainland Southeast Asia, and the islands of Borneo and Sumatara. However, extensive genetic analysis of various populations revealed two sister species of clouded leopard. The first is the Mainland

Episode 58: Creating a Future for Clouded Leopards with Chrishen Gomez, DPhil Student, WildCRU, University of Oxford Read More »

Episode 58: Creating a Future for Clouded Leopards with Chrishen Gomez, DPhil Student, WildCRU, University of Oxford

One of Asia’s most elusive predators is the Clouded Leopard. Until 2006, the term clouded leopard referred to one ubiquitous species found across the Eastern Himalayas, mainland Southeast Asia, and the islands of Borneo and Sumatara. However, extensive genetic analysis of various populations revealed two sister species of clouded leopard. The first is the Mainland

Episode 58: Creating a Future for Clouded Leopards with Chrishen Gomez, DPhil Student, WildCRU, University of Oxford Read More »

Episode 58: Creating a Future for Clouded Leopards with Chrishen Gomez, DPhil Student, WildCRU, University of Oxford

One of Asia’s most elusive predators is the Clouded Leopard. Until 2006, the term clouded leopard referred to one ubiquitous species found across the Eastern Himalayas, mainland Southeast Asia, and the islands of Borneo and Sumatara. However, extensive genetic analysis of various populations revealed two sister species of clouded leopard. The first is the Mainland

Episode 58: Creating a Future for Clouded Leopards with Chrishen Gomez, DPhil Student, WildCRU, University of Oxford Read More »

Episode 57: Exploring the Conservation of Borneo’s Primates and Felines with Susan Cheyne, Borneo Nature Foundation International

The highly biodiverse island Borneo forms one of the largest remaining intact forests of Southeast Asia. Also, the world’s third largest island, Borneo is a stronghold for various charismatic and endangered megafauna species, including orangutans, clouded leopards, elephants, proboscis monkeys and sunbear.  Unfortunately, the rainforests of south-east Asia, and in particular Borneo,  are under immense

Episode 57: Exploring the Conservation of Borneo’s Primates and Felines with Susan Cheyne, Borneo Nature Foundation International Read More »

Episode 57: Exploring the Conservation of Borneo’s Primates and Felines with Susan Cheyne, Borneo Nature Foundation International

The highly biodiverse island Borneo forms one of the largest remaining intact forests of Southeast Asia. Also, the world’s third largest island, Borneo is a stronghold for various charismatic and endangered megafauna species, including orangutans, clouded leopards, elephants, proboscis monkeys and sunbear.  Unfortunately, the rainforests of south-east Asia, and in particular Borneo,  are under immense

Episode 57: Exploring the Conservation of Borneo’s Primates and Felines with Susan Cheyne, Borneo Nature Foundation International Read More »

Episode 56: Safeguarding the Mammals of the Eastern Ghats with Dr. Vikram Aditya, Principal Scientist at the Centre for Wildlife Studies

The Eastern Ghats is amongst the most biodiverse regions in India. This discontinuous mountain range is spread predominantly across Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and Karnataka. A study conducted by ATREE found over 200 species of birds in the Eastern Ghats, which includes the endemic Jerdon’s Courser. The region also has healthy populations of elephants,

Episode 56: Safeguarding the Mammals of the Eastern Ghats with Dr. Vikram Aditya, Principal Scientist at the Centre for Wildlife Studies Read More »

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