Interview 3 – Creating Sanctuary Asia with Bittu Singhal

In India, one of the most established and renowned voices in the field of conservation is none other than Bittu Saghal. Despite begining his career as an advertising professional, Bittu is better known for founding the well reputated conservation magazine, Sanctuary Asia,  in 1981.  Inspired by the great Fateh Singh Ratore, Sanctuary Asia has captured millions of people around India with its breathtaking conservational journalism. In 2015, the intiative expanded to a formal establishment in the form of Sanctuary Nature Foundation, which has carried out immense outreach. This includes their Muds on Boots and Community Owned Community Operated Nature projects. In 2000, Bittu also launched the Kids  for Tigers program, a highly successful educational outreach program, which managed to involve over a million school children in conservation.


In Episode 3, Bittu talks about the various projects he has launched over his flamboyant career. He also talks about  the importance of community engagement in conservation, rewilding and his opinions of India’s cheetah reintroduction.

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