Episode 74: Understanding Coral Reefs with Dr Francoise Cavada-Blanco, Co-Chair, IUCN Coral Specalist Group

The Think Wildlife Podcast
The Think Wildlife Podcast
Episode 74: Understanding Coral Reefs with Dr Francoise Cavada-Blanco, Co-Chair, IUCN Coral Specalist Group

Coraf Reefs around the world are under severe threat. It is estimated that around 10% of the global coral reefs are dead while about 60% are under severe threat due to anthropogenic pressure. 

Climate change remains the primary threat to coral reefs around the world, with increasing sea temperatures catalyzing coral bleaching, which results in the death of reefs. Additionally, increased frequency and intensity of storms, induced by climate change, further damage coral reefs. Beyond climate change, corals are also threatened by rampant coral mining, ocean acidification, and pollution from wastewater and plastic debris.

The destruction of coral reefs is particularly concerning. Other than fostering rich marine biodiversity, coral reefs are also critical for the economy of coastal communities. Corals provide a plethora of ecosystem services ranging from protecting coastlines from storms and erosions to supporting fisheries and providing job opportunities in the form of tourism. Over half a billion people rely on coral reefs for subsistence and protection.

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